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Leads of National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology visited the Guangzhou Metro Line 14 Knowledge City branch EUHT Project

At the afternoon of January 4th 2018, Leads of National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology visited the Guangzhou Metro Line 14 Knowledge City branch and investigated the EUHT technology.


In the metro control center, the representative of Nufront introduced the EUHT technology system and the engineering situations, and demonstrated how to use this system to achieve the real-time transmission of 30-channel HD video in single train. These experts discussed in detail the technical characteristics and service carrying capacity of EUHT system. Through the discussion with the leader of Guangzhou metro, they further understood the application of EUHT system. Experts believed that the successful commercial application of EUHT technology prove that it has the leading advantage in the scenario of 5G wireless communication.


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